Saturday, 23 June 2007

Friday 22nd June 2007

I have sown more cauliflower seeds and also sprout seeds, some of the cauliflower seeds have started to germinate :)

I have started to dig a new bed for my cauliflower and also Brussel sprouts.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Sunday 17th June 2007

I manged to strim the area, and I covered it with plastic, and you can see the progress of my runner beans

Sunday 17th June 2007

I have sown 10 all year round cauliflower seeds in a propagator, I will sow another 10 in about 2 weeks time.

Monday, 18 June 2007

Saturday 2nd June 2007

I have not been down to the allotment for a while due to the rain and work commitments.
I managed to clear a small area and started a bed ready for my runner beans.
Because my plot has not been worked for about 2 years, the soil rich with nutrients.
As you can see the Mammoth task ahead of me.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Sunday 29th April 2007

I made a start on clearing the plot.
I used my shears and I pulled nettles and bind weed, I found a lot of black plastic and carpet underneath the long grass, nettles, bind weed and couch grass.

Friday, 15 June 2007

Saturday 28th April 2007

My name is Iain, I am 38 years of age and I'm from Somerset.
I took on my plot today, it is very overgrown. I found out it hasn't been worked on for about 2 years.
It is a full plot, measuring 10m x 25m, costing me £13.50 per year, we are allowed sheds, greenhouses and it seems we can have animals.
I had a look at the plot, made a note of how I am going to arrange it i.e where the beds are going, shed, paths.